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Is 99 Nursery & Florist Open For Business?Yes! 99 Nursery & Florist is available for online orders and phone orders only. We offer delivery and curb-side pick-up. To protect the well-being of our customers, staff and families we have closed our doors to the public until further notice.
Can I order floral arrangements?Yes! To order floral arrangements or fresh cut flowers, please find our floral website at:
When can I call in to place an order for bedding plants?You can reach us between 9am-5pm everyday of the week! We ask that you call in the morning hours of operation if you are looking to do a same-day pickup.
Do you have more plants available than what is shown on your list?Yes! We have a variety of more plants and flowers available for curb-side pickup. Please call in with your specific requests and we would be happy to assit you!
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